Clive Murdell Holland

Clive Murdell Holland served in the Army in WWII in Africa, then with the 1471st Maintenance Engineers in France and Germany. After arriving at a French Port Clive boarded a troop transport train headed for Camp Lucky Strike, a major staging point for front line troops.

The train was over loaded with troops and with mechanical problems. The train gained speed down a grade and crashed through the station at St. Valery, piling 24 box cars packed with U.S. soldiers, one on top of another. It was a horrific scene with 89 dead and 152 injured.

Clive was able to crawl out of his box car though many of those with him were not so fortunate. The survivors were quickly formed into units and carried out their missions to liberate France.

Clive also enlisted in the Army Reserve (active status) from October 1950 until October 1953. He married Gae Nell Fisher January 6, 1943 knowing that they had just a few weeks before he would leave for the Army.

Clive returned home to civilian life, raised a family, ran a business, and served his community in service organizations, church, and local government positions. He died Dec 6, 2009 leaving a rich legacy and example for his posterity.

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